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Educational cooperation Dinner

Educational cooperation Dinner

송종환 주 파키스탄 대사는 9.16(수) Baligh Ur Rehman 교육부장관, Mukhtar Ahmad 고등교육위원회 위원장, Osman Saifullah 상원의원(상원내 과학기술위원회 위원장), Qaisar Ahmad Sheikh 하원의원(파-한 친선협회회장), PIEAS 총장, 국립외국어대학 총장, FAST 국립대학 총장 및 관계자 20명을 관저에 초청하여 양국 교육협력 증진 방안에 대하여 협의하였습니다.

상기 만찬에는 파키스탄 학생 인터뷰를 위해 당지를 방문한 박경순 세종대학 교수 등 관계자도 동석하였습니다.

아래 대사의 만찬사와 관련 사진을 게시합니다.

Ambassador’s remarks at Dinner, September 16, 2015
Today I am very proud that I am in the company of the highest officials and academicians in Pakistan. Additionally, I am delighted to have professors from Korea at my residence..
Excellency, Baligh ur Rehman, Minister of State for Federal Education and Professional Trainings,
Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman HEC,
Excellency, Senator Osman Saifullah, Chairperson of the Senate Science & Technology Committee,
Honorable Qaisar Ahmed Sheikh, Member of National Assembly,
Dr. Allah Bakhsh Malik, Secretary-in-Charge,
General Zia-ud-Din Najam, Rector NUML,
Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Rector P.I.E.A.S,
Dr. Amir Muhammed, Rector FAST National University,
Mr. Makhdoom, Chief Coordinator in PM Secretariat,
Mr. Tahir Naeem, Director P. D. and HRD, COMSATS,
Dr. Atif Faraz, Head of NUML Korean Language Department,
My special guests from Korea, Professor Park, Kyeong Soon, Professor Park, Sang Sik and Mr. Han, Joshua
And my other distinguished friends and guests,
As-salaam-o-Alaikum and Good Evening,
I am honored that you all joined me today at dinner.
I would especially like to thank His Excellency, Baligh ur Rehman, for taking time out from his very hectic schedule to join us. I would also like to appreciate and welcome Mr. Park, Kyeong Soon, Mr. Park, Sang Sik and Mr. Han, Joshua for joining us all the way from Korea.
The Minister for State for Education and the Chairman of HEC were amongst the first senior level officials I met in Pakistan, back in October 2013, shortly after I presented my credentials to the President in August 2013. After that I have met the Minister and the HEC Chairman many times by chance, at various functions and receptions, including those at the Presidency [Aiwan-e-Sadr], and I developed a great respect for both of them.
I also got to meet Senator Saifullah many times as he was the Senator-in-Waiting during the visit of the Korean Speaker of the National Assembly to Pakistan in January 2014. The Honorable MNA, Mr. Qaisar Sheikh is the convener of the Pakistan-Korea Parliamentary Friendship Group. Both of them have visited Korea many times.
As a former professor myself, I feel so honored to have the company of the rectors of prestigious institutes.
In the presence of so many senior educationists I do not even feel the need to highlight the importance of education.
But I would like to mention that Korea experienced an economic miracle in the past few decades. Koreans attribute this economic miracle to their visionary leaders, to the hard work and sacrifices of Korean workers and to our focus on the correct priorities. Education is amongst these priorities and has played a great role in Korea’s progress. At one time Korea used to spend up to 25% of its budget on Education. Today, Korea’s literacy rate is over 98% and Korean students are consistently rated as the best in science and mathematics.
I am happy to share that Korea has been providing various scholarships to students from Pakistan. These scholarships fund tuition fees, airfares, and even living expenses. The three main types of scholarships that Pakistani students can apply for are Government Scholarships, KOICA Scholarships and University Scholarships. More than 750 Pakistani students have availed the University Scholarships in the past 3 years.
I am very happy to share that now officials from Sejong University are visiting to recruit the best students of Pakistan and offer them the opportunity of gaining the best education of Korea.
It is my hope and prayer, that by taking advantage of the advanced Korean education system, Pakistan too can have its own economic miracle. Thank you.

송종환님의 사진.
송종환님의 사진.
송종환님의 사진.



주파키스탄 송종환 대사 페이스북에서 가져옴.