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Are You Suffering From Impostor Syndrome?

Are You Suffering From Impostor Syndrome?

Published 8 hours ago

on October 13, 2020

By Nick Routley

Are You Suffering From Impostor Syndrome?

If you have ever felt unworthy of your position at work, or felt uncomfortable about receiving praise from colleagues, then you’re not alone.

The psychological pattern of impostor syndrome is widespread, with the majority of people experiencing some form of it over the course of their careers.

Today’s infographic, from Resume.io, provides a useful guide to identifying the various manifestations of impostor syndrome, and how to potentially overcome it.

What is Impostor Syndrome?

People suffering from impostor syndrome doubt their skills and accomplishments, live in fear of being exposed as not worthy of their position, and even downplay their success, attributing it all to luck or good fortune.

These feelings, which were first collectively known as “impostor phenomenon,” were introduced in a 1978 study of 150 highly successful women. Today, we have an even more nuanced view of how feelings of anxiety and inadequacy can afflict people in a professional setting.

Impostor Syndrome Archetypes

According to Dr. Valerie Young, a leading expert on the subject of impostor syndrome, these feelings of self doubt are not one-size-fits-all.

Here are the five different types of impostor syndrome:


#1 Expert You expect to know everything and feel ashamed when you don't.
#2 Soloist You believe work must be accomplished alone and refuse to take any credit if you received any kind of assistance.
#3 Natural Genius You tell yourself that everything must be handled with ease, otherwise it's not "natural talent".
#4 Superperson You feel you should be able to excel at every role you take on in your life.
#5 Perfectionist You set impossibly high standards for yourself and beat yourself up when you don't reach them.

Understanding the different types of impostor syndrome is an important first step, as each manifestation requires a unique toolkit of solutions to help overcome this common psychological trap experienced by professionals.

Slaying Self Doubt

While impostor syndrome can afflict anyone, women have been shown to experience it more often – even once they have experienced high levels of success in their career.

A recent KPMG study of 750 high-performing executive women found that:

  • 75% had experienced impostor syndrome at some point in their career
  • 81% of these woman also believed they put more pressure on themselves than their male counterparts

Though progress has been made, lack of diversity at the C-suite level is still fueling some of these feelings. 32% of women identified with impostor syndrome because they did not know others in a similar place to them either personally or professionally.

When it came to combating feelings of self-doubt, many woman found support within their network and organizations:

  • 72% said they looked to a mentor or trusted advisor for help and advice when the doubt creeps in
  • 54% received support and guidance from performance managers

Actively creating a culture that supports honest conversations in the workplace is key to helping individuals slay professional self doubt.

Together, we have the opportunity to build corporate environments that foster a sense of belonging and lessen the experience of impostor syndrome for women in our workplaces.

– Laura Newinski, U.S. Deputy Chair and COO of KPMG




Are You Suffering From Impostor Syndrome?

Most of us will experience impostor syndrome at some point in our careers. This flow chart helps identify which of 5 archetypes you fit with.
