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장 로베르 플랑케트 / 상브르 뫼즈 연대 행진곡 - 아서 피들러(cond), 보스턴 팝스 Orch

Sambre et Meuse (Planquette) - Fiedler, Boston Pops - YouTube

Jean Robert Planquette (1848-1903) was a French composer of songs and operettas. This march remains one of the most popular marches of French bands. The name is taken from Sambre-et-Meuse, a département of the First French Empire in present Belgium. It was named after the rivers Sambre and Meuse. Straight from the 1971 vinyl. For entertainment purposes only--I own nothing here.

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Arthur Fiedler

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SME(RCA Classics 대행) 및 음악 권리 단체 2개



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