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시장 미국에서 총 제조 30 년

시장미국에서 총 제조 30 년

게시 3 시간 전 

 5월26일 2022년 

미국에서 총 제조 30 년

최근 몇 년 동안 총기 판매가 활발했지만 COVID-19를 둘러싼 불확실성은 총기 산업에 이익이되었습니다.

2010-2019에서 매년 미국에서 평균 13 백만 개의 총이 합법적으로 판매되었습니다. 2020 년과 2021 년에는 연간 총 판매량이 2 천만 건으로 급격히 증가했습니다.

미국은 매년 수백만 개의 무기를 수입하고 있지만, 국내에서 판매되는 많은 양의 총기가 국내에서 생산되었습니다. 미국의 수십억 달러 규모의 총기 제조 산업의 데이터를 파헤쳐 봅시다.

미국의 총기 제조

에 따르면 최근 보고서 알코올, 담배, 총기 및 폭발물 국 (ATF)에서 미국은 지난 30 년 동안 거의 170 백만 개의 총기를 생산했으며 최근 몇 년 동안 생산량이 급격히 증가했습니다.

미국의 총기 제작자는 다양한 총기를 생산하지만 일반적으로 다섯 가지 범주로 분류됩니다. 권총, 소총, 산탄총, 리볼버 및 기타 모든 것.

아래는 유형별로 지난 30 년 동안 국가에서 제조 된 총기의 고장입니다.

년권총소총리볼버 네엽 총기타 총기총 총기합계60,804,84059,796,76015,826,96426,241,1346,298,415168,968,113
1989 1,404,753 1,407,400 628,573 935,541 42,126 4,418,393
1990 1,371,427 1,211,664 470,495 848,948 57,434 3,959,968
1991 1,378,252 883,482 456,966 828,426 15,980 3,563,106
1992 1,669,537 1,001,833 469,413 1,018,204 16,849 4,175,836
1993 2,093,362 1,173,694 562,292 1,144,940 81,349 5,055,637
1994 2,004,298 1,316,607 586,450 1,254,926 10,936 5,173,217
1995 1,195,284 1,411,120 527,664 1,173,645 8,629 4,316,342
1996 987,528 1,424,315 498,944 925,732 17,920 3,854,439
1997 1,036,077 1,251,341 370,428 915,978 19,680 3,593,504
1998 960,365 1,535,690 324,390 868,639 24,506 3,713,590
31개 항목 중 1~10개 표시

Pistols (36%) and rifles (35%) are the dominant categories, and over time, the former has become the most commonly produced firearm type.

In 2001, pistols accounted for 21% of firearms produced. Today, nearly half of all firearms produced are pistols.

Who is Producing America’s Firearms?

There are a wide variety of firearm manufacturing companies in the U.S., but production is dominated by a few key players.

Here are the top 10 gunmakers in America, which collectively make up 70% of production:

RankFirearm ManufacturerGuns Produced (2016-2020)Share of totalTotal33,274,64069.7%
1 Smith & Wesson Corp 8,218,199 17.2%
2 Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc 8,166,448 17.1%
3 Sig Sauer Inc 3,660,629 7.7%
4 Freedom Group 3,045,427 6.4%
5 0 F Mossberg & Sons Inc 2,223,241 4.7%
6 Taurus International Manufacturing 1,996,121 4.2%
7 WM C Anderson Inc 1,816,625 3.8%
8 Glock Inc 1,510,437 3.2%
9 Henry RAC Holding Corp 1,378,544 2.9%
10 JIE Capital Holdings / Enterprises 1,258,969 2.6%

One-third of production comes from two publicly-traded parent companies: Smith & Wesson (NYSE: RGR), and Sturm, Ruger & Co. (NASDAQ: SWBI)

Some of these players are especially dominant within certain types of firearms. For example:

  • 58% of pistols were made by Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and SIG SAUER (2008–2018)
  • 45% of rifles were made by Remington*, Ruger, and Smith & Wesson (2008–2018)

*In 2020, Remington filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and its assets were divided and sold to various buyers. The Remington brand name is now owned by Vista Outdoor (NYSE: VSTO)

The Geography of Gun Manufacturing

Companies that manufacture guns hold a Type 07 license from the ATF. As of 2020, there are more than 16,000 Type 07 licensees across the United States.

Below is a state-level look at where the country’s licensees are located:

StateLicenses (2000)Licenses (2020)PopulationLicenses per 100,000 pop. (2020)
Alaska 8 117 733,391 16.0
Alabama 40 276 5,039,877 5.5
Arkansas 28 302 3,011,524 10.0
Arizona 100 959 7,276,316 13.2
California 159 620 39,237,836 1.6
Colorado 27 481 5,812,069 8.3
Connecticut 71 194 3,605,944 5.4
Delaware 0 10 989,948 1.0
Florida 131 1,009 21,781,128 4.6
Georgia 52 510 10,799,566 4.7
Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries

These manufacturers are located all around the country, so these numbers are somewhat reflective of population. Unsurprisingly, large states like Texas and Florida have the most licensees.

Sorting by the number of licensees per 100,000 people offers a different point of view. By this measure, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho come out on top.

최근의 판매 및 생산 추세가 어떤 징후라도 있다면,이 수치는 계속 증가 할 수 있습니다.


미국에서 총 제조 30 년 (visualcapitalist.com)


30 Years of Gun Manufacturing in America

The U.S. has produced nearly 170 million firearms over the past three decades. Here are the numbers behind America's gun manufacturing sector.
