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Giuliano G., P. Gordon, Q. Pan, and J.Y Park., 2009, Accessibility and residential land values: Some tests with new measures, Urban Studies (forthcoming).

Park, J.Y., P. Gordon, E. Jun, J. E. Moore II, and H.W. Richardson, 2009, Identifying the Regional Economic Impacts of 9/11, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 15 (2) Article 6.

Gordon, P., J.Y. Park (corresponding author), and H. W. Richardson, 2009, Modeling Input-Output Impacts with Substitutions in the Household Sector: A Numerical Example, Economic Modelling,26 (3): 696-701.

Park, J.Y., Gordon, P., J. E. Moore II, and H.W. Richardson, 2008, The State-by-State Economic Impacts of the 2002 Shutdown of the Los Angeles-Long Beach Ports, Growth and Change, 39 (4): 548-577.