![Korea Embassy Pakistan님의 사진.](https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-0/s552x414/12088595_804004799710070_2744814650298445408_n.jpg?oh=77700a1f8cab5fd1d1c209b5aa3a6a26&oe=568B417B&__gda__=1453808654_83b314f201fce366930d5a320c1d451d)
Korea-Pakistan Summit 2015 in New York
2015년 9월 27일 미국 뉴욕에서 박근혜 대통령과 파키스탄의 나와즈 샤리프 총리가 만나 정상회담을 가졌습니다.
양측은 정치‧외교, 경제‧통상, 에너지, 개발협력 등 제반 분야에서 양국간 실질협력 증진 및 한반도·동북아 정세, 국제무대에서의 협력 방안에 대해 논의했습니다.
아래 관련 주재국 언론 보도를 URL과 함께 게시합니다.
[The National지]
URL : http://nation.com.pk/…/pm-proposes-strategic-dialogue-with-…
NEW YORK - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif proposed initiation of a strategic dialogue and a Free Trade Agreement with South Korea, with an objective to translate the ties between the two countries into a meaningful relationship.
The prime minister met South Korean President Park Geun-hye, here at the UN headquarters on the sidelines of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.
The two leaders affirmed the resolve to boost trade ties between their countries.
In this regard, the PM said his country would welcome further investment by South Korea. He said power generation was a priority for Pakistan and sought greater participation by the Korean companies in this regard.
The Korean president also proposed holding of a dialogue to explore ways to identify new economic opportunities between the two countries.
The two leaders also discussed the current situation in Afghanistan. President Park Geun-hye appreciated Pakistan's efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan. He also accepted an invitation by the prime minister to visit Pakistan.
Published in The Nation, September 29th , 2015
URL : http://www.dawn.com/news/1209671
UNITED NATIONS: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif proposed initiation of a strategic dialogue and a Free Trade Agreement with South Korea, with an objective to translate the ties between the two countries into a meaningful relationship.
The prime minister met the President of South Korea, Park Geun-hye, here at the United Nations headquarters on the sidelines of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.
The two leaders affirmed the resolve to boost trade ties between their countries.
Proposing an FTA with South Korea, Prime Minister Sharif said his country would welcome further investment by South Korea.
He said power generation was a priority for Pakistan and sought greater participation by the Korean companies in this regard.
The Korean president proposed holding of a dialogue to explore ways to identify new economic opportunities between the two countries.
The two leaders also discussed the current situation in Afghanistan.
The president appreciated Pakistan’s efforts to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. He accepted an invitation by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to visit Pakistan.
Published in Dawn, September 29th , 2015
주파키스탄 송종환 대사님 페이스북에서 가져옴.
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